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Try Outs

8:00 - 11:00 am @Apple Valley rink  Please arrive by 7:40 or 30 minutes before your scheduled time.

Varsity and JV Synchro will perform skills individuals and as a group

These are closed try outs and we ask the parents and friends to NOT attend

In order to participate in Icettes, skaters must be registered before tryouts. To register, got to your high schools website. Click on school view. Use fee pay to register for Icettes. If you are in middle school, go to your future schools website to complete the process. If you have questions about registering, please call your high school directly. You must have a valid sports physical on file to participate in Icettes.


Skaters should treat all tryouts the same way they would a competition. Hair should be neat, competition dress, clean tights, etc.


Team Options & Memberships

Skaters have the option to try-out for one or a combination of the following teams:

  1. JV Individual Team (no try-out required)

  2. Varsity Individual Team (try-out required unless skater has passed Intermediate Freestyle or FS6)

  3. JV Synchro Team (try-out required)

  4. Varsity Synchro Team (try-out required) Minimum Requirement: Passed Pre- Juv Moves or equivalent.


  6.  If you qualify for a tryout exemption, notify the coaches in advance


All skaters must hold memberships in ISI (Ice Skating Institute): ALL TEAM MEMBERS. If you do not have a home ISI club,  register as a member of the Icettes.


  • All skaters are encouraged to have private lessons in Freestyle and Field Moves with a goal of testing moves in the field regularly. It is important that all skaters remain eligible to participate in ISI sanctioned events.

Skaters are expected to abide by the rules set forth by the Minnesota State High School League (M.S.H.S.L.) & District 196 Expectations

– Cumulative GPA = 2.0

– MSHSL Bylaw 205 (chemicals) & 206 (Code of Conduct) 



The coaches will make all initial team placements. Skills assessment at the appropriate level is not a guarantee of placement on a particular team or in a position on the line. All lines will comply with age and field moves tests as required. Overall skating ability, stamina, strength, maturity, and ability to learn quickly and adapt to last-minute changes are also factors taken into consideration in selecting team members. It is possible for a skater to be reassigned to either Varsity or JV during the course of the season.

Notes from Coach Karri:


Thank you for your interest in trying out for the 2019-2020 Icettes Synchro Teams. 

Important Notes:
-Ice time is limited and all the skills listed might not be tested. (how effortlessly you can execute a simple turn lets the coaches know a lot about your overall skill level more than whether or not you show us the hard turn on the list. Practice the boring stuff!!!)
-Skaters will be trying out in a mixed skill level group. This is intentional, to see how well skaters can keep up with skaters that might be better than them, and how they accommodate those skaters not as skilled as them.
-Simply executing a turn or skill on this list does not qualify you for a certain level team. The Coaches take into account many factors including BODY POSTURE, overall flow, speed, and ATTITUDE! Remember this is a team sport and the most successful teams have the best work ethic, positive attitude and support for each other.
-Please don’t forget to be working on your endurance in the off season. These programs are long and require a lot of stamina. The more you can build up your endurance now, the easier it will be for you to get through these programs in the winter!
-Skills with an * next to them are only required for skaters whose goal it is to make Varsity. It might be a skill everyone is asked to try but it will not factor into JV decisions.
-Forward Crossovers (High extension, toes pointed)
-Backward Crossovers (deep undercut)
-Forward StepX Holds (connected and not connected)
-Backward StepX Holds (connected and not connected)
-T stops (behind) (in front*)
-hockey stops on one foot*
-Mohawks/Mohawk Cross
-FI, FO, BI, BO Three Turns
-Back Outside 3 to a Mo Hawk “Spinnys”
-Warm Up Block Drill (2 strokes, 4Forward StepX hold, 2X overs MohawkX, 4 backward StepX Holds, 2 back Xovers, stroke and hold)
-Moving a circle with pumps and backwards crossovers
-Pivoting a line with basic footwork (may consist of StepX holds, Swing rolls, 3 turns or Mohawks and crossovers)
-Swing Rolls
-Forward Outside Swing Roll, Mohawk, Backward crossover, Repeat
-FI Brackets (FI Bracket, pull back, Backward stepX, Stroke forward, Repeat)
-FO Rockers*
-BI Counters*
-BI Loop* (figures move not jump)
-Single and Double Twizzles* (mainly FI and BO)
-Spread Eagle
-Forward and backward lunge
-Leg lift spiral*
-Tracking Drills
-Footwork Combinations of above moves (practice stringing them together)
-SPEED, FLOW, BODY POSTURE, ATTITUDE: These really are the most important things to work on for your success!

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Independent School District 196, MN, USA

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